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In the ever-evolving landscape of home improvements, the quest for more energy-efficient and environmentally responsible living is a prominent theme. Retrofit double glazing, a solution that involves adding a second layer to existing windows, is increasingly in the spotlight.

Join Atlas Glass as we guide you through the intricate world of this window upgrade. We will explore the benefits of retrofit double glazing, cost considerations, environmental impact, installation process, and more. By the end of this journey, you can make an informed decision about whether retrofit double glazing is truly worth the investment for your home.

Benefits of Retrofit Double Glazing

Enhanced Insulation and Comfort

Heat loss through windows can be a significant source of energy waste in traditional single-glazed windows. The insulating properties of retrofit double glazing enable your home to retain heat more effectively. 

Retrofit double glazing adds a second layer of glass to existing windows, creating an insulating air gap between the old and new glazing. This air gap acts as a thermal barrier, reducing heat transfer and preventing the escape of warm air in winter and heat intrusion in summer.

Sustainability and Reduced Carbon Footprint

Retrofitting utilises existing window frames and structures, reducing the need for new materials. By investing in retrofit double-glazing, you help reduce the use of natural resources, lower the carbon footprint of manufacturing, and support a more sustainable building industry.

Traditional window replacement generates a significant amount of waste, from old windows and frames to packaging materials. Retrofitting prolongs the lifespan of existing windows and minimises waste, contributing to a more sustainable approach to home improvement. This upgrade extends the period before windows need to be replaced, reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing new windows and disposing of the old ones.

Improved Energy Efficiency

The improved insulation provided by double glazing helps maintain a more stable indoor temperature, reducing the need for constant heating or cooling. Less reliance on your heating system leads to reduced energy usage, potential savings on energy bills, and a lowered carbon footprint.

Noise Reduction

Double-glazed windows typically have tight seals and gaskets to prevent air leaks. The additional glass layer adds mass to the window structure. This extra mass helps to absorb and block sound waves, making it more challenging for noise to penetrate your home. 

The gap between the two glass panes also acts as a buffer, preventing sound vibrations from easily transmitting from the outside to the inside of your home. The wider the gap, the better the noise reduction.

Condensation Control

Condensation occurs when warm, moist indoor air encounters cooler surfaces, such as windows. It is a primary cause of dampness and mould growth in homes. Damp environments can lead to the proliferation of dust mites and mould spores, triggering allergies and respiratory problems.

Retrofit double glazing creates an insulating air gap between the old and new glazing. This barrier helps maintain the temperature of the inner glass surface, reducing the likelihood of condensation forming on your windows.

Retrofit double glazing helps maintain a drier and healthier indoor environment. A dry and comfortable living space is more inviting and conducive to wellbeing.

Retrofitting vs Installing New Windows

Retrofitting is generally more cost-effective than installing new double-glazed windows. It involves adding a second glazing layer to existing windows, reducing the need for extensive structural changes or window replacement. By reducing heat loss during winter and minimising heat gain in the summer, retrofit double glazing significantly improves the insulation of your existing windows. This method offers long-term energy savings and helps lower energy bills.

In comparison, installing new windows can be a substantial upfront investment. It often requires the complete removal and replacement of existing windows, leading to higher labour and material costs. While new windows can also provide energy efficiency benefits, it may take longer to recoup the upfront costs through energy savings than retrofitting. The initial investment can be a significant factor.

Invest in Retrofit Double Glazing Today!

So, is retrofit double glazing worth it? The answer ultimately depends on your priorities and goals. If you value a more energy-efficient, comfortable, and sustainable living environment, retrofit double glazing can be a valuable addition to your home.

Contact Atlas Glass, Auckland's double glazing specialist, for expert guidance or to explore retrofit double glazing options for villas. Our expert team will provide in-depth insights and help you make the best decision for your home. Here's to a more comfortable and eco-conscious living space; get a free quote today!

Selecting the right window frame is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your space's aesthetics and functionality. Understanding the characteristics of different window frame options empowers you to make an informed choice that aligns seamlessly with your architectural vision and practical needs.

This blog post covers the diverse world of window frame types, offering insights and considerations to guide you towards the perfect frame type for your project.

Common Window Frame Materials


Timber window frames are a timeless and classic choice, cherished for their natural beauty, warmth, and versatility. Wood's natural grains and textures create a warm and inviting ambience, adding a touch of elegance to any space. Timber frames can be stained or painted in various colours to suit interior design styles. These frames are available in different styles, sizes, and shapes for various architectural designs and preferences.

 Beyond their visual appeal, timber frames offer excellent insulation properties. While wood is a natural insulator,double-glazing wooden frames help to regulate indoor temperatures and reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling. The insulative properties can lead to energy savings and increased comfort.

 Timber frames require regular maintenance to safeguard their appearance and durability. These frames can boast a prolonged and robust lifespan with protective coatings or finishes to avert rot, moisture damage, and insect infestations. However, some consistent upkeep is required.


Aluminium window frames are known for their sleek and contemporary appearance and are popular for modern construction and home design. They are available in various styles and finishes, allowing them to integrate with different architectural designs and interior aesthetics seamlessly.

Aluminium window frames require little maintenance and are resistant to rust, corrosion, and weathering, making these frames suitable for various climates. 

In addition to being a recyclable, environmentally friendly choice, these frames have excellent thermal performance. This benefit is especially true when combined with energy-efficient glass, helping to regulate indoor temperatures and reduce energy consumption.


uPVC (unplasticised polyvinyl chloride) window frames are a contemporary and energy-efficient option for windows in homes and businesses. uPVC frames utilise durable and low-maintenance materials known for their excellent insulating abilities. They help maintain indoor comfort by preventing heat loss in colder months and heat gain in warmer months, which can lead to energy savings.

uPVC is also resistant to moisture, corrosion, and rot, making them easy to maintain. This material is durable and recyclable, ensuring long-lasting and sustainable frames that don't require painting or sealing.

uPVC window frame types come in various styles, designs, and finishes, suitable for different architectural preferences and interior décor. They can mimic the appearance of wood, offering a versatile choice for those who want the look of timber frames without the upkeep.


Steel window frames offer a combination of strength, durability, and sleek design, making them highly desirable across various architectural styles. A significant advantage of steel frames lies in their robustness and ability to withstand environmental factors—making them ideal for areas with harsh climates. 

Steel window frame types are particularly adept at supporting larger glass panels, facilitating expansive views and abundant natural light. These frames are perfect for individuals seeking a minimalist and industrial aesthetic that harmonises perfectly with contemporary design concepts.

However, it's important to note that steel window frames require maintenance to counter rust and corrosion. Regular upkeep involving painting or coating can preserve their appearance and extend their longevity.

Important Considerations When Choosing a Window Frame Type

Climate and Weather

Tailor your choice to the climate you're in. For regions with extreme temperatures, frequent rain, or near humid and coastal areas, opt for window frame materials resistant to deterioration.

Desired Insulation and Energy Efficiency

Different frame materials offer varying levels of thermal performance. Assess your insulation needs to strike the right balance between comfort and energy efficiency.

Architectural Style of the Home

Your frame should seamlessly integrate with your home's architectural style. Whether modern, traditional, rustic, or minimalist, the window frame should complement and enhance the overall design.

Budget Constraints

Define your budget early on, as different materials and designs come with varying price tags. Strategic budgeting ensures that your choice aligns with your financial parameters.

Maintenance Requirements

Consider how much time and effort you will invest. Some materials require more up keep than others—factor in routine maintenance tasks when deciding.

Experience the Benefit of Timber Window Frames

As one of the best glaziers in the country, Atlas Glass can help you maximise the potential of timber frames with double glazing. Experience heightened insulation, reduced energy consumption, and a refined aesthetic. Elevate your space today; contact us for moreinformation onupgrading your timber frame glass.

Condensation is a frustrating problem many homeowners face, causing damage, discomfort, and potential health risks. Understanding the root causes of condensation in your home and implementing practical solutions is vital for creating a healthier, more comfortable living environment. From implementing ventilation strategies to installingretrofit double glazing, we delve into helpful tips, techniques, and maintenance practices to help you combat condensation and maintain a dry, well-ventilated home. Following these steps, you can protect your property, enhance indoor air quality, and ensure a more enjoyable living space for you and your family.

What Are the Effects of Excessive Condensation?

Condensation occurs when warm, moisture-laden air meets cooler surfaces, resulting in the formation of water droplets. Excessive condensation in a home can cause adverse effects, such as: 

Damage to Structural Components and Finishes

Moisture accumulation can cause wood to rot, causing structural instability and compromising the integrity of your building. The excessive moisture can seep into drywall, causing it to become saturated and potentially leading to peeling paint, stains, and visible water damage. Condensation can also warp surfaces, such as wooden floors and furniture, making them prone to warping, swelling, and distortion. Over time, these issues can result in costly repairs and diminish the overall aesthetics of your home.

 Health Risks Associated with Mould and Mildew Growth

Excess moisture provides an ideal breeding ground for mould and mildew, posing significant health risks to you and your family. Mould spores released into the air can trigger allergies, respiratory problems, and other health issues, especially in individuals with asthma or weakened immune systems. Prolonged exposure to mould and mildew can lead to chronic sinusitis, coughing, wheezing, skin irritation, and even lung infections.

 Impact on Indoor Air Quality

Condensation contributes to elevated humidity levels, creating an environment conducive to the proliferation of dust mites, bacteria, and other indoor pollutants. Dust mites can trigger allergic reactions and worsen asthma symptoms, while bacteria and viruses that thrive in moist environments can increase the risk of respiratory infections. Excessive moisture can create a musty odour, making the indoor environment unpleasant and uncomfortable, leading to poor air quality and a generally unhealthy living environment.

Eliminate Condensation at Home

Various factors contribute to condensation issues, including high humidity levels, inadequate ventilation, temperature differentials, and poor insulation. Here are some ways you can combat condensation in your home.

Implement Ventilation Strategies

Open the windows when weather conditions permit to increase airflow and reduce moisture build-up. This allows fresh air to circulate, replacing humid indoor air with drier outdoor air. Additionally, use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to expel moisture at its source. These fans effectively remove steam and odours, preventing excess humidity from accumulating in these areas.

Consider installing mechanical ventilation systems such as whole-house fans or heat recovery ventilators (HRVs) for more comprehensive ventilation. Whole-house fans draw in fresh air from outside and expel stale air, promoting air circulation throughout your home. HRVs, on the other hand, not only provide fresh air but recover heat from the outgoing air, reducing energy loss. These mechanical ventilation systems ensure consistent air exchange, effectively controlling humidity levels and preventing condensation.

Control Humidity Levels

Controlling humidity levels is crucial in the fight against condensation in your home. One effective method is to use dehumidifiers in areas with high moisture levels. These devices extract excess humidity from the air, helping to maintain a balanced and drier indoor environment. Place dehumidifiers strategically in rooms where condensation occurs, such as basements, bathrooms, and laundry areas.

In addition to using dehumidifiers, minimise activities that release moisture into the air, such as drying clothes indoors or boiling water without proper ventilation. Instead, opt for outdoor drying or use a well-ventilated area for activities that generate steam. Proper ventilation during these activities can redirect moisture outside and prevent it from accumulating indoors, reducing the chances of condensation.

Increase Insulation Efforts

Adding insulation to walls, roofs, and floors can minimise temperature differentials and prevent condensation from forming on cold surfaces. Insulation acts as a barrier, reducing heat transfer and maintaining consistent temperatures throughout your home. 

Retrofit double glazing is an effective method to enhance insulation and reduce condensation. It involves installing windows with two layers of glass separated by a layer of air or gas. This design significantly reduces heat transfer through the windows, preventing the formation of cold surfaces where condensation can occur. Double glazing also improves energy efficiency by minimising heat loss, providing additional benefits beyond condensation prevention.

Take care to seal any air leaks around windows and doors, as they allow warm, moisture-laden air to infiltrate your home. By sealing these leaks and reinforcing insulation around windows and doors, you create a tighter building envelope, reducing air exchange and minimising the chances of condensation forming.

Discover the Benefits of Double Glazing for Your Home

By implementing the practical tips, techniques, and maintenance practices discussed in this blog, you can create a healthier, more comfortable living environment for you and your family. Bungalow retrofit double glazing is a proven method to improve insulation, minimise heat transfer, and eliminate condensation in your home. Say goodbye to condensation and enjoy a drier, more comfortable home. Act today and reach out to Atlas Glass for a free consultation.

Windows are crucial in maintaining a comfortable and safe living space. Double-glazed windows feature a unique construction that offers a range of advantages contributing to a healthier and more enjoyable home. From improved thermal insulation and condensation prevention to enhanced security and noise reduction, double-glazed windowspromote wellbeing and comfort in numerous ways. Join us as we delve into the benefits of double-glazed windows and why investing in them is a smart choice for you and your loved ones.

1. Improved Thermal Insulation

Double-glazed windows consist of two panes of glass with a gap between them, filled with air or an inert gas like argon. This gap creates an extra layer of insulation, reducing the heat that can escape or enter your living space, acting as an effective barrier against heat transfer and enhancing thermal insulation within your home. This insulation barrier helps maintain a more stable indoor temperature, keeping your home warm in winter and cool in summer for a cosy and enjoyable living environment throughout the year.

2. Condensation Prevention

Condensation occurs when warm, moisture-laden air encounters cooler surfaces, leading to the formation of water droplets. This moisture build-up can negatively impact the health of occupants and the property's condition. Excessive moisture can increase the risk of mould growth, triggering allergies and respiratory problems. It can also cause damage, such as rotting wood and peeling paint, affecting the integrity of your window frames and the surrounding areas.

Double-glazed windows act as a powerful deterrent—the insulating layer between the glass panes helps to maintain a consistent temperature on the inner glass surface, reducing the likelihood of moisture accumulating on windows.

3. Noise Reduction

Excessive noise pollution can harm health and wellbeing, causing stress, sleep disturbances, and reduced productivity. Fortunately, double-glazed windows offer an effective solution for creating a quieter and more peaceful home environment. One of the benefits of double-glazed windows is their thick construction, helping to absorb and block out unwanted noise, creating a tranquil indoor space. Whether it's the bustling traffic outside or noisy neighbours, double glazing significantly reduces the amount of sound that enters your home, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful and restful atmosphere.

4. Enhanced Security and Safety

The design and construction of double-glazed windows provide enhanced security features that contribute to a safer living environment. Their multiple layers of glass and robust frame materials act as a deterrent against potential intruders, making it significantly more difficult for unauthorised individuals to break through, giving you peace of mind and a sense of protection. Beyond the security aspect, these windows also contribute to the safety of your household. In the event of an accident, the sturdy construction of double-glazed windows minimises the risk of shattered glass, reducing the potential for injuries from broken shards.

5. UV Protection

Prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to skin damage, premature ageing, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Moreover, UV radiation can cause fading and deterioration of furniture, flooring, and other belongings within our homes. Combining multiple layers of glass and special coatings in double glazing helps block out a significant portion of the harmful UV rays from entering your home. Investing in double-glazed windows creates a healthier home environment that safeguards the wellbeing of occupants and preserves the quality and appearance of your valuable belongings. 

6. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Double-glazed windows are specifically designed to minimise heat transfer, providing an effective thermal barrier for your home. The combination of two glass panes and an insulating layer in between significantly reduces the amount of heat that can escape during winter or enter during summer, resulting in reduced energy consumption. By keeping your home well-insulated, double-glazed windows prevent the need for excessive heating or cooling, leading to lower energy bills and long-term cost savings. Moreover, the energy efficiency of these windows contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle, as it reduces your carbon footprint by lowering greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption. By investing in double-glazed windows, you not only create a comfortable living environment but also contribute to a greener and more cost-effective home.

Keep Your Home Happy and Healthy this Winter

The benefits of double-glazed windows for a healthy home are undeniable. Contact Atlas Glass today for a free quote and consultation on double glazing in Auckland. Our team of experts will guide you through the process, helping you create the perfect double-glazed windows tailored to your specific needs. Act now and embark on the journey to a healthier, more comfortable living space with Atlas Glass.

A pet brings  immense joy and companionship into any household, but it also comes with  responsibilities. One such responsibility is providing your furry friend with  easy outdoor access for bathroom breaks, exercise, and exploration. This  responsibility is where a pet door can be a game-changer. However, many pet  owners are often hesitant about installing pet doors and ask local Auckland glaziers whether you can put a pet  door in a glass door.

The good news is  that pet door retrofitting is a viable solution that allows you to install a  pet door in your existing glass door. In this blog post, we will explore pet  door retrofitting, the types of glass you can do this with, and the pros and  cons of this option.

What is Pet Door Retrofitting?

Pet door  retrofitting is installing a pet door into an existing door, such as a glass  door, without compromising its structural integrity or aesthetics. Unlike  traditional pet doors installed in walls or standard wooden doors, retrofitting  a pet door into glass requires specific considerations to ensure a secure and  functional installation.

Types of Glass That Can Be Used

Not all glass  doors are suitable for retrofitting a pet door. The type of glass plays a  crucial role in determining whether it can accommodate a pet door. Generally,  you can consider the following glass types for retrofitting:

Tempered  Glass 

This type of  glass is highly durable and heat-treated to enhance strength. Tempered glass  is considered one of the best options for retrofitting a pet door because of  its sturdiness and resistance to breakage.

Double-Glazed  Glass

Double-glazed  glass doors have two glass panels separated by an insulating space. These  doors can accommodate pet door installations in the glass panel without  affecting the door's insulating properties.

Low-E  Glass

Low-E (Low  Emissivity) glass helps reduce heat transfer and is common in  energy-efficient doors and windows. It is essential to ensure that the pet  door installation does not compromise the insulating properties of the Low-E  glass.

Laminated  Glass

Laminated  glass consists of multiple layers with an interlayer that holds them  together, providing extra strength and safety. Installing a pet door in laminated  glass is possible, but professional installation is crucial to maintain its  integrity. 

Pros of Pet Door Retrofitting

Installing a pet door in glass offers many benefits to  homeowners, including:

Convenience for Pets

Retrofitting glass with a pet door allows for easy and  independent access for your pets. Your fur baby can go outside whenever they  need to relieve themselves or play.

Aesthetically Pleasing

There's no need to worry about your pet door looking shabby.  When professionally installed, a pet door installed in a glass door  seamlessly blends with the existing design, preserving the aesthetics of your  home.

Saves Energy

Many manufacturers design modern pet doors with energy  efficiency in mind. Nowadays, these doors feature weatherproof seals that  help maintain indoor temperatures, thus reducing energy costs.

No Structural Change

You don't need to worry about impacting the existing  structure of your home. Retrofitting eliminates the need for significant  alterations to your home, making it a reversible and non-intrusive option.

Cons of Pet Door Retrofitting

While there are many benefits to retrofitting a pet door,  there are a few things to consider before committing to the process. These  include:


Retrofitting a pet door into a glass door is typically  more expensive than installing one in a traditional door or wall. The higher  cost is due to the specialised nature of the installation.

Security Concerns

Intruders can potentially exploit pet doors to gain access  to your home. However, many modern pet doors have security features such as  locking mechanisms to address this concern.

Potential Glass Damage

The installation process involves cutting into the glass,  which can weaken it. Therefore, professional installation by a glazier in  Auckland or your region is vital to minimise the risk of damage.

Restrictions in Rental Properties

If you live in a rental property, the landlord may not permit  modifications like retrofitting a pet door in the glass door. If you rent,  it's vital to consult with your landlord to discuss pet door retrofitting.

Work with Auckland's Glass Specialists

Pet door retrofitting is a practical solution for pet  owners who want to provide their furry companions with easy outdoor access  through a glass door. With the right type of glass and professional  installation, you can ensure your pet door's safety, convenience, and  aesthetic appeal.

While you must consider some drawbacks, the benefits of  retrofitting a pet door often outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile  investment in your pet and home. For the best result, do thorough research,  consult with professionals, and choose a high-quality design that suits your  needs and your pet's size and habits.

 If you are looking toretrofit double glazing in Aucklandto  install a pet door, get in touch with the Atlas Glass team. We will  assess your needs and supply the products you need on time and at competitive  prices.

Winter is coming, are your windows prepared? If thick socks and woolly jumpers are a must and your power bill leaps into heart attack territory during winter, you may want to consider upgrading your window furnishings. Retrofitting double-glazing windows in your home could solve your winter blues this chilly season. But what is retrofit double glazing? We discuss.

What is Retrofit Double Glazing?

Retrofit double glazing involves retrospectively installing energy-efficient double glazing to your existing window frames that previously only held a single pane of glass. This process involves removing the single glazing and making minor changes to the current framework, such as changing the timber beads. Unlike other options, this process is quick, easy, and almost unnoticeable, resulting in a finished product that remains faithful to the existing windows.

Difference Between Double Glazing and Retrofitting

There is no doubt that double glazing will have an enormous impact on the comfort of your home and the power bill at the end of the month, but deciding between retrofitting or installing entirely new joinery can be a tricky one. Usually, retrofit double glazing is what you’ll want to go for due to its affordability compared to new joinery. By utilising as much of the existing framework as possible, you can save on materials and time required for installation.

However, in some circumstances, you may not have a choice. If timber joinery is rotten beyond repair, it may be more cost-effective to replace the joinery. As one of New Zealand’s leading double-glazing companies, our expert team can help you make the best decision suited to your situation.

Benefits of Retrofit Double Glazing

Maintains the Character of Heritage Properties

For heritage properties, retrofit double glazing maintains the home’s character, accentuating the historic features while providing modern comforts and functionality.

Retrofitting is a More Affordable Option

The retrofitting process is a far more affordable alternative as you are improving upon the existing window, not replacing it entirely. Retrofitting leads to faster installation and less money coming out of your pocket.

Retrofitting is an Eco-Friendly Solution

Utilising the existing windows and frames means they won’t add to the overflowing landfills, helping create a more sustainable environment. The added energy efficiency will also mean less power will be required to maintain a healthy home.

Reduce, Reuse, and Retrofit Your Double-Glazed Windows

Create a warmer home and a happier environment by retrofitting your double glazing. Double glazing will ensure a warm, comfortable, and energy-efficient home all year round. Not to mention you can take a sizable chunk out of that electrical bill! Retrofit double glazing is what we specialise in at Atlas Glass; if you’re considering upgrading your window furnishings, give us a call to discuss your options with our expert team today.

Image credit: Natalia Blauth on Unsplash

Window shapes are incredibly multifaceted. From run-of-the-mill square and rectangular windows to geometric octagonal and curved irregular ones, window shape designs come in many forms. With creativity and a little inspiration, the shape of your windows can enhance the overall aesthetic of your home. We discuss different window shapes and how to choose a suitable one for your home.

1. Arched

A timeless feature perfected by the Romans, the elegant curves of an arched window draw the eye and offer visual appeal. Ideal for Mediterranean and Gothic-style homes, you can use arched window shapes to frame a gorgeous view of the outdoors or accentuate a feature and let in plenty of natural light to any room.

2. Round

Round window shapes come in many forms — circles, ovals, semi-circles — all of which help to soften a room’s aesthetic and break the monotony of straight lines and rectangles in homes and buildings. They add a unique touch to any modern or contemporary home and are ideal for creating a cosy and inviting space. Due to their association with boats and water, round windows are a popular feature for holiday homes with nautical themes and will also work well in bathrooms.

3. Octagonal

These unique window shapes will draw the eye to any room. Ideal for modern homes with a geometric design theme, you can also use octagonal windows to create the illusion of height or width. Tall octagonal windows look gorgeous and add a distinctive flair to any living or dining room.

4. Picture Windows

Instead of sticking to traditionally smaller window placements, why not invest in a beautiful floor-to-ceiling picture window? This window shape features large, fixed windows that provide a gorgeous and unrestricted view of the outdoors. They are ideal for homes with beautiful surroundings and can create an indoor-outdoor connection to make any room in your home seem larger.

5. Custom Shapes

Custom window shapes offer unlimited possibilities to express your creativity. Incorporate your style and individuality to create a one-of-a-kind home design that speaks to you. Examples of custom window shapes include rhombuses, irregular polygons, or wavy shapes. In addition to visual appeal, you can accentuate your custom windows with different glass and frame choices for increased functionality. For example, a stained-glass window will add colour and vibrance to any living space, while villa retrofit double glazing will provide added insulation for a more comfortable home.

Create the Perfect Window for Your Home

Atlas Glass is a renowned glass company in Auckland with over 40 years of experience in the industry. We offer retrofit timber joinery and quality window glazing solutions for new builds or existing homes to increase your overall comfort and standard of living while reducing expenditure on electrical bills. Rest assured that we manufacture each product with the greatest care using only the highest quality materials for an affordable yet long-lasting solution. Contact our expert team for more information on window shapes and how we can help improve your home windows today!  

Despite the wide variety of windows available on the market, timber casement windows remain one of the most popular options in many homes today. These windows offer a unique take on style and functionality; they feature an outward opening window hinged on either the side or top of the frame, allowing for a door-like opening system. We discuss all you need to know about timber casement windows and why you should choose this timeless design for your home.

Benefits of Timber Casement Windows

Aesthetic Appeal

A popular choice for homeowners looking to add warmth, charm, and character to their homes, timber has a natural beauty that is hard to replicate with other materials. It can be stained or painted to match the overall design of your home. Whether you're looking for a traditional, rustic, or modern look, timber casement windows can help achieve the desired aesthetic.

Energy Efficiency

Timber is a natural insulator, which means timber casement windows can help reduce heat loss and keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. You can also upgrade wooden windows with retrofit double glazing for increased insulation. This can translate into lower energy bills, reduced carbon emissions, and a more comfortable living environment, making it an excellent choice for many homeowners looking to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.


Timber can withstand harsh weather conditions and last for years; it is a strong and durable material that can resist rot, decay, and insect infestation if properly treated and maintained. Timber windows are also less prone to warping or bending, which can be an issue with other materials like vinyl or aluminium, meaning that timber casement windows offer excellent value for money over the long term.

Low Maintenance

Timber requires relatively little maintenance compared to other window materials. It is easy to repair and maintain, which can save you time and money in the long run. Regular cleaning and occasional repainting or staining can help keep your timber windows looking new for years to come.

How to Choose the Perfect Timber Casement Window

You can customise timber casement windows to suit the style and architecture of your property, as well as your personal preferences and requirements. We discuss the different timber options available below.


Generally more affordable and readily available, softwood is a highly versatile and popular choice for windows and other construction projects. It requires additional treatment for added strength and durability.


Hardwoods are often more durable, resistant to decay, and ideal for withstanding extreme weather conditions. This timber option is naturally resistant to warping, swelling, or shrinking and does not usually need additional preservative treatment, making them a better long-term investment. While generally more expensive than softwoods, they may offer better durability and longevity.

How to Maintain Your Timber Casement Windows

Frequent maintenance and cleaning will help keep your timber casement windows looking fresh for longer. Here are some steps you should take to ensure the longevity of your windows:

We Combine the Best in Window Style and Functionality

Enjoy the best of both worlds by fitting your timber casement windows with retrofit double glazing from the best double-glazing company in Auckland, Atlas Glass. This affordable option will improve thermal insulation and energy efficiency, providing a more comfortable environment. Speak to our expert consultants and get a free consultation today.

Windows are essential to any building, providing natural light, ventilation, and a view of the outside world. However, choosing the right type of glass for your windows can be daunting. Many different types of glass are available, each with unique properties and benefits. Some are more energy-efficient than others, some are stronger and more durable, and some are better at blocking out noise. We cover some of the most common window glass types, the benefits of retrofit double glazing, and how to choose the best window glass for your needs.

Window Glass Types

Float Glass

Float glass is the most used type of window glass. This type of glass is made by floating a sheet of molten glass on a bed of molten metal, usually tin, resulting in smooth and flat glass with a uniform thickness that you can cut into various sizes and shapes. With transparent and high visible light transmittance features, float glass is frequently used as the building block for many types of interior, exterior, and architectural glass products.

The colour and quality of the glass can vary depending on the raw materials used and the process. For example, body-tinted or heat-absorbing float glass has the same production process as clear float glass. However, it has the addition of colouring agents during production to achieve a range of tinted shades such as grey, bronze, green, and blue. Tempered glass is made by heating and rapidly cooling float glass to create a tougher and more durable product, commonly used in applications where safety is a concern. Float glass is highly versatile and offers numerous benefits, including energy efficiency, durability, and clarity, making it the go-to choice for many window construction projects.

Low-E Glass

Low-emissivity (Low-E) glass is a type of energy-efficient glass with a special coating that helps reflect heat into the room. The coating is typically a thin layer of metal oxide, which reflects infrared radiation and helps to keep heat inside the building during colder months and outside during warmer months. It also has higher insulative properties than standard uncoated glass due to its low-emissivity film, thus making it an excellent option for those looking to reduce energy consumption in their homes. This results in lower power bills, a more environmentally friendly home, less condensation on your windows, less glare and UV radiation, and a great resale value for your home. When selecting this window glass type, we recommend looking out for the NZS 4211 label, proof that your purchase has been rigorously tested for various performance criteria, including air leakage, water leakage, and wind resistance.

Double-Glazed Glass

Double glazing refers to windows consisting of two panes of glass separated by a gap containing air or gas, which acts as insulation. Compared to single-glazed windows, double-glazed windows provide better insulation by restricting heat transfer and are known for their energy efficiency. This window glass type is perfect for helping you save money on heating in winter and cooling costs in summer.

Triple-Glazed Glass

Triple-glazed windows consist of three panes of glass that seal to form an insulated unit. This window type is very energy efficient, as the extra pane of glass provides better insulation. The two air gaps between the three panes of glass significantly reduce heat loss. However, while triple glazing offers superior insulation, this window glass type is typically more expensive. It is a good option for those looking for maximum energy efficiency and sound insulation, but it may not suit everyone due to the higher cost.

How to Choose the Best Window Glass

Choosing the right window glass for your home ensures comfort and energy efficiency. When making this decision, we recommend carefully considering the star rating system used in New Zealand, which rates the energy performance of the combination of glass type and frame. We also suggest choosing window and door glass types with the highest star rating within your budget.

Trust the Window Glass Experts

For high-quality double-glazed windows in Auckland, look no further than Atlas Glass. We assist you with the entire process, from recommending and supplying a range of glass solutions to helping with your installation. Need help figuring out where to start? Consulting an expert glazier like Atlas Glass will help guide you towards the best choice for your home's functional and aesthetic needs. Reach out to us today!

A cracked window can do more damage than simply obscuring the view out your kitchen window. A small crack can have consequences for the structural integrity of your window if left unchecked. As the premier glazier in Auckland, we know a thing or two about windows and are here to explain what causes a window to crack, how to fix it, and why you should deal with it immediately!

Three Types of Window Cracks

Stress Cracks

If you find a crack creeping out from the edge of the window, it’s likely a stress crack. Stress cracks are formed by continuous temperature fluctuations that cause the expansion and retraction of the glass panes.

Think about how a cup pulled straight out of the dishwasher is likely to crack if you immediately fill it with cold water. The process happens to your windows repeatedly as temperature changes both indoors and outside. This can eventually lead to the stress of the expansion overpowering the strength of the glass, causing a crack to form.

Impact Breaks

An impact break is exactly what it sounds like - a window crack caused by a backyard cricket game gone astray, a lawnmower-propelled rock, or a bird with a poor sense of direction. Any flying object that comes into contact with your window will likely cause an impact break. These breaks are easily identified by their starburst pattern that radiates outward from the point of impact.

Pressure Cracks

Pressure cracks are far less common and will seemingly come out of nowhere. These cracks are found in insulated glass and dual pane windows and will form in the shape of a curve, closely resembling an hourglass. What causes these window cracks are weather fluctuations that lead to changes in pressure, causing pressure to build up between the panes and create cracks.

You Should Never Ignore Window Cracks

Here are a few reasons why ignoring a crack in a window, even for just a short period, is something you may regret:

Window Cracks Will Spread Over Time

You can always be sure of one thing with window cracks: they will spread! The further a crack spreads, the more significant the damage will be, and the chance of repair will dramatically decrease. Problems like these cannot go away on their own accord and must be tackled proactively.

Glass Cracks Impact Your Energy Efficiency

Your home loses most of its heat through the doors and windows, doubly so if you have cracks in them. Especially during the cooler months of the year, the smallest of cracks can impact your home’s insulation and, in turn, energy consumption.

Prevent Cracks with Retrofit Double Glazing

Now that you know what causes a window to crack, you can prevent it from happening! Double-glazing is one of the most effective ways to keep your windows strong and protected from the elements. Atlas Glass is a trusted name in all things glass, from retrofit double glazing in bungalows to innovative UV-blocking glass. Upgrade your windows with retrofit double glazing today to ensure they last for years to come without cracks! Give us a call today to learn more about our range of services.
